"Positivity". Barbara Fredrickson. New York: Crown. Barbara Fredrickson é uma das maiores referências na investigação sobre Emoções Positivas. No seu livro de 2009, "Positivity", apresenta dados importantes sobre as ferramentas que permitem criar uma vida mais saudável, mais vibrante e que permite florescer. Barbara Fredrickson es una de las más grandes referencias en la investigación en Emociones Positivas. En su libro de 2009, "Positivity", presenta datos relevantes sobre las herramientas que permiten crear una vida más saludable, más vibrante y que permite florecer. "People who flourish function at extraordinarily high levels – both psychologically and socially. (…) Beyond feeling good, they’re also doing good – adding value to the world. People who flourish are highly engaged with their families, work, and communities. They’re driven by a sense of purpose: they know why they get up in the morning.” (pp. 17) |
Aquí queda la descripción de Amazon (libro actualmente sólo en inglés):
"World renowned researcher Dr. Barbara Fredrickson gives you the lab-tested tools necessary to create a healthier, more vibrant, and flourishing life through a process she calls "the upward spiral." You’ll discover:
• What positivity is, and why it needs to be heartfelt to be effective
• The ten sometimes surprising forms of positivity
• Why positivity is more important than happiness
• How positivity can enhance relationships, work, and health, and how it relieves depression, broadens minds, and builds lives
• The top-notch research that backs the 3-to-1 "positivity ratio" as a key tipping point
• That your own sources of positivity are unique and how to tap into them
• How to calculate your current positivity ratio, track it, and improve it
With Positivity, you’ll learn to see new possibilities, bounce back from setbacks, connect with others, and become the best version of yourself."